进入冬季后,我一般很少外出听音乐会。但12月18日,我还是兴致勃勃前往东方艺术中心,观赏上海交响乐团演出季中的一场音乐会,因为那场音乐会的上半场由女高音和慧演唱瓦格纳《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》中的“爱之死”、理查·施特劳斯的《最后四首歌》。这些曲目平时现场难得一听,更何况是名扬海外、十多年未见的和慧登台亮相。中国抒情女高音很多,也不乏花腔女高音,但出类拔萃的戏剧女高音,向来凤毛麟角。和慧的成功,证明中国也能出这样的杰出人才。我们大致来看一下和慧的成功经历:2000年9月,和慧在美国洛杉矶赢得多明戈国际歌剧大赛第二名,评审团给予她“自过去数年以来的比赛中所出现的最重要的威尔第歌剧演唱者”的评价。两年后,她在意大利帕尔玛第42届威尔第国际声乐比赛中夺冠。2002年2月,和慧在意大利帕尔玛皇家歌剧院(Teatro Regio)初次登台演出《托斯卡》,为她赢得广泛的赞誉。这次空前成功的首演,促使她接连签下多个歌剧演出的合约,包括:威尔第《阿依达》的剧名主角,《假面舞会》中的阿米丽娅等。
After entering the winter, I rarely go out to a concert. However, on December 18, I still diligently traveled to the Oriental Art Center and watched a concert in the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra during the performance because the first half of the concert was performed by Soprano and Hui Hui Wagner “Tristan and Iraq Sorold ”in the“ love of death ”, Richard Strauss’s“ Last Four Songs. ” These tracks are usually rare on the scene, not to mention the famous overseas, more than 10 years and Hui appearance on stage. Many Chinese lyric soprano, but also no lack of flower soprano, but outstanding drama soprano, has always been rare. And Hui’s success shows that China can also be such a brilliant talent. Let’s take a general look at He Hui’s successful experience: In September 2000, Hehui won second place in the Domingo International Opera Competition in Los Angeles, and the jury gave her “the best that has appeared in the past few years Important Verdi Opera singer ”rating. Two years later she won the 42nd Verdi International Vocal Competition in Parma, Italy. In February 2002, Hui Hui performed “Tosca” on the stage at the Teatro Regio in Italy and won wide acclaim. The unprecedented success of her debut prompted her to sign contracts for several opera productions in succession, including Verdi’s Aida, the protagonist of the actress, and Amelia at the Masquerade.