今年山东省农业银行计划新增贷款85亿元,实施信贷“双优”战略,调整贷款投向,优化客户结构,加大信贷投入,积极支持经济发展。这是中国农业银行山东省分行党委书记、行长李兴奇同志在日前召开的全省农业银行行长会议上提出的信贷发展目标。 一是调整贷款投向。计划新增的贷款将继续重点支持交通、电力、通讯、石油等经营性基础产业和基础设施建设,特别要支持好京福高
This year, Shandong Agricultural Bank planned to increase its new loan by 8.5 billion yuan to implement the “double-superior” strategy of credit, adjust the loan orientation, optimize the customer structure, increase credit input and actively support economic development. This is the goal of credit development put forward by Comrade Li Xingqi, party secretary and president of Agricultural Bank of China Shandong Branch, at the meeting of governors of the province’s Agricultural Bank recently held. First, adjust the loan to invest. The planned new loans will continue to focus on supporting the operation of basic industries and infrastructure such as transportation, electricity, telecommunications and petroleum, and in particular, to support Hokkai Fukui