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随着近年来我国司法制度改革不断推进,劳动教养制度的存废一时成为法学界争论的焦点,本文从劳动教养制度自创立以来的发展演变,用历史学方法来探寻制度本身的变化。通过对于问题的提出,探讨了劳动教养制度的性质,对象,并且进一步从立法,司法,程序正义等角度对于劳动教养制度当今存在的问题进行了分析,探讨。针对劳动教养制度存在的问题,本文给出了对于此制度存与废自己的观点,基本认为此项制度应当保留,但是必须本着保护人权,完善法治的根本观念对于制度进行改革。再次通过立法修改,劳动教养制度的决定权归属以及对于被劳动教养人员基本人权保护的制度设立等方面提出自己对于劳动教养制度的改革建议。最后,基于最基本的社会价值,对于劳动教养制度的未来给出自己的看法,应当再法治完善的过程中逐步废除它,建立成熟的人权保障机制在中国势在必行。 With the continuous reform of judicial system in our country in recent years, the existing and abolishing of the system of reeducation through labor has become the focus of controversy in the jurisprudence field. This paper explores the changes of the system itself from the development and evolution of the reeducation-through-labor system since its establishment. By proposing the problems, the author discusses the nature and object of the system of reeducation through labor, and further analyzes and probes into the existing problems in the system of reeducation through legislation, judicature and procedural justice. In view of the problems existing in the system of reeducation through labor, this article gives the viewpoints of keeping and abolishing this system, and basically maintains that this system should be preserved. However, the system must be reformed according to the fundamental idea of ​​protecting human rights and improving the rule of law. Once again, we propose our own reform proposals on the system of re-education through legislative reforms, attribution of the decision-making power of the system of reeducation through labor, and establishment of a system for the protection of basic human rights by reeducation-through-labor. Finally, based on the most basic social values, we should give our own views on the future of the system of reeducation through labor and gradually abolish it in the process of perfecting the rule of law. It is imperative to establish a mature human rights protection mechanism in China.
很多家长都想方设法希望子女能考上一所军校。根据往年经验,这个时候,各种利用军校招生进行诈骗的不法行为也越来越多,而且随着现代传媒的发展,骗子的犯罪手段也越来越隐蔽,每年都有部分考生及家长上当受骗。  我部战士王某去年参加军校考试,成绩不是很理想,可家人期望大、个人愿望强烈。后来,王某父母接到一个自称是某军校招生代理人员的陌生电话,称只要王某父母拿出2万元“活动费”,就可以让王某上军校。王某的父母信
当你面临绝壁深谷或山涧急湍的溪流需要跨越而又心惊胆战,迈不开步子时;当你接近既定目标已精疲力竭、难抬腿脚,又不甘心放弃即将到手的成功时;当你身陷困境,遇到难题,眼前一片迷茫时……心中多么希望能有人拉你一把,扶你一下。  “没有什么困难是战胜不了的,只要你不放弃,你顽强地努力!作为一个军人,即便成不了英雄,也要永远流淌英雄的热血!”这句话出自丁晓兵的《左手礼》。这本书如同深陷汪洋时的一座灯塔;如同身
<正> 案情申请人云南商业饭店(以下简称商业饭店)就其与被申请人杨某因签订餐厅承包协议而产生的纠纷于2004年10月向昆明仲裁委申请仲裁,请求:1.解除餐厅承包协议;2.由杨某支