A design method of fiber grating vibration sensor based on bridge monitoring is proposed. The monitoring system is based on the real-time monitoring of the reflected bandwidth and the reflected optical power of a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) that measures the pressure chirp. The sensor is composed of a single FBG, in order to simulate the real bridge vibration, the use of simple beams simulate the bridge. A single FBG oblique paste on the side of the simple beam simulation test, the middle of the upper surface of the beam paste the eccentric to produce vibration. Vibration will act on the simple beam causing the beam to bend. When the beam is bent, a strain gradient distribution occurs in different thickness layers, which in turn causes the chirp effect of the FBG to change the bandwidth of the FBG. The test results compare the strain gage with an FBG-based vibration sensor. Because the FBG is insensitive to the reflection bandwidth and optical power temperature, the sensing measurement completely avoids the cross-sensitivity of temperature. The sensor can be widely used in the bridge health monitoring, with real-time and low cost advantages.