赴汤蹈火铸忠诚 恪尽职守保平安——江西省公安消防工作和部队建设纪实

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在八一军旗升起的地方,在孕育伟大井冈山革命精神的红土地上,有这样一支骁勇善战的铁军,他们舍生命、降火魔,赴汤蹈火,救人危难建奇功;他们抓整治、剿火患,枕戈待旦,筑起消防安全的铜墙铁壁……近年来,江西消防总队坚持以党的十八大精神为指导,政治建警,管理促警,文化塑警,塑造了消防部队的良好形象,涌现一大批先进集体和个人。总队党委被中组部授予“防汛抗洪救灾先进基层党组织”荣誉称号;总队被省政府记集体一等功,被国家体育总局授予“全国群众体育先进单位”称号,被公安部 In the place where the banners of the August 1st Army were raised and on the red land that gave birth to the revolutionary spirit of the great Jinggangshan, there was such a brave and fierce-fighting iron army who sacrificed their lives, In recent years, Jiangxi Fire Corps adhere to the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress as a guide, building political police, police management, cultural plastic police, shaped a good image of the fire brigade , A large number of advanced collectives and individuals have emerged. The Corps’ party committee was awarded the honorary title of “Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization for Flood Control and Flood Relief” by the Central Organization Department. The Corps was awarded the collective first class by the provincial government and was awarded the title of “National Advanced Unit for Mass Sports” by the State Sports General Administration.
小时候 ,我自以为自己无论是做什么都是对的。有时候 ,只要开口向妈妈要钱 ,真希望马上要马上就得到。可有时候 ,妈妈不给 ,却说 :没有。这时候 ,我心里面真不好受。小时候 ,
Recently the National Commission of Development and Reform again assembled experts to solicit opinions,and discussed new electricity reform program.According to
带着—份兴奋、一份内疚、一份悔恨 ,我再次走进了这天堂般的学校。毕竟 ,在这里 ,我渡过了三年初中生涯 ;在这里 ,有过我的泪水 :有过我的欢笑 ,还有我的悔恨 ;在这里 ,融合
虽然我从来没被父亲训斥过 ,但一想起他训斥弟弟时的情景 ,我就胆战心惊。所以 ,我一直都怕他 ,怕他那总板着的面孔 ,怕他那怪怪的脾气 ,怕他……我甚至觉得 :他从来就没有疼
数码城市也叫做数学化城市。“数字化”简单地说就是把所有信息都转换成数字信号,然后输入计算机存储和处理。数字化是“信息社会”和“知识 Digital cities are also call
On September 14,the reporter learnt from the Seminar on Application of New Rare Earth High-iron Aluminum Alloy Cable Technologies for Energy Conservation and En
记得小时候 ,爸爸常给我买书 ,那时候虽然大字不识几个 ,可看得懂图画呀。那些图画好漂亮好漂亮 ,撕下来折个纸飞机 ,多好玩儿呀 !这时 ,我还不懂得爱护书籍。而书角也常被我