The clay sediment (d <0.01mm) in the Changjiang Estuary is mainly composed of clay minerals. Since various clay minerals can reflect the differences in natural zones, the percentage of clay minerals in the Yangtze Estuary and its recharge area can be calculated by X-ray diffraction analysis. Rock and Mineral Analysis can be used to calculate the source and amount of clay sediment. Calculations show that 96.5% of the clay sediment comes from the Yangtze River recharge area. According to the average annual sediment discharge of clay and sediment in Datong Station, it is estimated that the amount of clay sediment in the Yangtze Estuary is 959.9 million tons / year. The 1925 and 1963 Yangtze River Estuary topographic maps compared to verify, a difference of 10.2%. This research method for the Estuary no sediment