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用钢管桩来支承高层建筑的上部结构确有很多优点,但土与地下水对钢管桩有一定的侵蚀作用。目前上海设计人员大多数采用日本在宝钢的设计经验,即一律将管壁厚度扣除2毫米作为腐蚀量,把问题过于简化,且不一定能保证安全。若按常用的钢管截面(φ406.4~φ914.4)来计算,则有效面积因而减少13%~23%,也就意味着钢管桩的投资增加13%~23%是一笔相当大的费用。本文简要阐明钢管发生腐蚀的主要因素,藉以纠正部分设计人员的模糊概念:埋在地下的钢材不会锈蚀。本文介绍了国内外对钢桩所做的腐蚀试验与较长期的观察资料以及有关规定,还推荐了国内外鉴别土与地下水对钢管桩腐蚀程度的“综合指标”,以及对土与地下水所必须进行的试验项目,并附有工程实例,供设计人员参考。本文呼吁有关部门及早制订上海地区采用钢管桩时合理考虑腐蚀量的规定与技术措施,以保证工程质量,节约投资。 The use of steel pipe piles to support the upper structure of high-rise buildings does have many advantages, but soil and groundwater have a certain degree of erosion on steel pipe piles. Most designers in Shanghai currently use the design experience of Japan in Baosteel, which means that the thickness of the wall is deducted by 2mm as the amount of corrosion. This simplifies the problem and does not necessarily guarantee safety. If calculated according to the commonly used steel pipe section (φ406.4 to φ914.4), the effective area is reduced by 13% to 23%, which means that the increase in investment of the steel pipe pile is 13% to 23%. cost. This article briefly clarifies the main factors for the corrosion of steel pipes, in order to correct some of the fuzzy concept of the designer: the steel buried in the ground will not rust. This article describes the domestic and foreign corrosion tests on steel piles, longer-term observations, and relevant regulations. It also recommends “integrated indicators” for the degree of corrosion of steel pipe piles by identifying soil and groundwater at home and abroad, and for soil and groundwater Test items must be carried out, with examples of engineering for designers’ reference. This article calls on the relevant departments to formulate regulations and technical measures for the proper consideration of the amount of corrosion when steel pipe piles are adopted in Shanghai in order to guarantee the quality of the project and save investment.
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