21世纪之首岁,恰逢庚辰龙年。六十年为一甲子,千禧龙年则三千年才遇一回。龙是中华民族的象征,21世纪龙年对中华民族来说,更具有特殊的意义。 关于龙的起源,在学术界影响较大的有物候说和图腾说。 物候说认为,龙是从古代天文气象中抽象出来的,即祖先把一些难以解释的自然现象通过艺术想象和加工而解释为龙,如《易·系辞》:“云从龙”、“召云者龙”。《淮南子》:“龙举而景云属”。《左传》:“龙,水物也”。青龙被视为一种抽象而又威力无比的神灵,附体于斩辕黄帝,因而黄帝又被古人视为能驾驭云天自然的神,《史记》:“轩
The first year of the 21st century, coincides with Geng Chen Long years. Sixty years as a gifted child, the Millennium Dragon 3000 years ago encountered a back. The dragon is a symbol of the Chinese nation. For the Chinese nation, the Year of the Dragon in the 21st century has even more special significance. On the origin of the dragon, in the academic community have a greater impact on the phenomenal and totem said. Phenomena say that the dragon is abstract from the ancient astronomical meteorology, that the ancestors of the interpretation of some difficult to interpret natural phenomena through the art of imagination and processing as a dragon, such as “Yi dialect”: “cloud from the dragon,” “call Cloud Dragon ”. “Huainanzi”: “Longju and King of clouds.” “Zuo Zhuan”: “Dragon, water things also.” Dragon is regarded as an abstract and extremely powerful god, attached to the Yellow Emperor, so the Yellow Emperor was once again regarded by the ancients as the god of the sky, “Historical Records”: "Hin