External Emotional Simon Mission (EAST) was used to measure the differences in attitudes among 109 college students toward stimulus words representing self and others in order to explore the characteristics of implicit self-esteem. The result shows that in the cognitive schema of an individual, he holds a kind of implicit positive evaluation or attitude toward himself and holds a negative relative negative evaluation or attitude to others. Specifically: (1) The characteristic of implicit self-esteem is to associate himself with positive evaluations and emotions and to associate others with negative evaluations and emotions; (2) the positive implicit self-attitude of self-name activation is more general than the average Sexual self-word is more intense, and negative implicit attitude of others’ name activation is weaker than general non-word. This study shows that EAST can effectively detect the implicit self-esteem effect and simultaneously obtain the strength and direction of individual’s implicit attitudes towards ego and others, providing a new and effective method for the study of implicit self-esteem. However, its application Still need to be cautious.