An authenticated key agreement protocol with unbalanced computing costs for resource—limited devices

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  摘 要:The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast-growing industry that is bound to transform homes, cities and factories. Due to its broad influence in our life, IoT has grown exponentially in the last decade and appealed to researchers. Nowadays, during its rapid growth, IoT is facing with several challenges, of which the security issue is one of the biggest one. In this paper, we design a protocol with the help of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) to secure messages exchange. This protocol reduces the computational cost on the sensor node through transferring some heavy computing tasks to the coordinator. Finally, the implementation details of the protocol are presented.
  關键词:Internet of Things, Elliptic curve cryptography, authenticated key agreement.
  The Internet of things (IoT) is a new stage in the development of ubiquitous networks. Although IoT develops rapidly, it is inevitably associated with security issues. Especially in low-powerful nodes. In terms of [1], small sensor nodes with the less processing capacity are applied in IoT increasingly. Meanwhile, Fadi et al. [2] notices the limitation in battery life, storage space and processing power of resource-limited sensor nodes. [3] points out that an adversary can impersonate the initiator, responder or initiate the man-in-the-middle attack. The initiator and responder have a false impression that they have a shared key. Nevertheless, each of them has a shared key with the attacker. Because of this, the communication security is vulnerable [4]. Furthermore, due to the limited battery and the limited processing power of sensor nodes, the computational burdens of sensors must be reduced [5].
  This paper aims to secure the communication between sensor node and coordinator. Based on it, one security protocol is designed by using ECC algorithm. In our design, IoT establishes a secure link for Raspberry Pi and Laptop through this protocol.
  In this section, we carry out a set of experiments for the protocol to test the performance and system. These experiments were performed on Raspberry pi and PC. The HMAC function used for the experiments is SHA256. Five elliptic curves i.e. Curve P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 are employed in our experiment. The PC is used as the monitor of Raspberry pi. We verify whether our protocol is useful when we carry them on the PC and Raspberry pi.
  We run these five curves for ten times with each of them. Additionally, in order to observe the runtime of both sides more clearly, the average runtime of each elliptic curve is computed as shown in table 1:   According to the table 1, the runtime of the side on the sensor node is shorter than the runtime of the side on the coordinator. Therefore, we believe that shift the computational burden from sensor node to the coordinator is efficient to low-powerful sensors.
  In this thesis, an improved protocol of IEEE 802.15.6 displayed authenticated association is designed. Our protocol realized the following aims of design: 1) Secure the communication between coordinator and sensor node. 2) Reduce the computing costs of the sensor node by shifting computational burden from sensor node to coordinator.
  In the future, we plan to build a stronger network with other algorithms and add more sensor nodes to test our protocol.
  [1]Xue, N., Liang, L., Zhang, J., & Huang, X. (2016, June). An access control system for intelligent buildings. In Proceedings of the 9th EAI International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications (pp. 11-17). ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering).
  [2]Hamad, F., Smalov, L., & James, A. (2009). Energy-aware Security in M-Commerce and the Internet of Things. IETE Technical review, 26(5), 357-362.
  [3]Huang, X., Liu, D., & Zhang, J. (2015, November). An improved IEEE 802.15. 6 password authenticated association protocol. In Communications in China (ICCC), 2015 IEEE/CIC International Conference on (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  [4]Zhang, J., Xue, N., & Huang, X. (2016). A Secure System for Pervasive Social Network-Based Healthcare. IEEE Access, 4, 9239-9250.
  [5]Zhang, J., Huang, X., Craig, P., Marshall, A., & Liu, D. (2016). An improved protocol for the password authenticated association of IEEE 802.15. 6 standard that alleviates computational burden on the node. Symmetry, 8(11), 131..
摘要:现浇混凝土楼板与预制混凝土楼板相比具有整体抗震性能好的优点。但是,在施工过程中,如果处理不当,容易出现楼板裂缝问题,既不美观,又影响使用,应当引起设计和施工人员的重视。本文从现浇楼板裂缝产生入手,分析了裂缝产生原因,并从各方面总结了现浇楼板裂缝的治理措施,以减少楼板裂缝的产生,提高建筑物施工质量。  关键词:楼板裂缝,产生原因,治理措施  前言:随着建筑工程行业的逐渐发展,楼板的结构形式在建
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摘 要:轧钢厂作为钢铁产业的最后一环,其安全稳定的运转对提高钢铁产量,增大经济效益具有重要意义。因此,本文建立了基于模糊层次分析法和集对分析理论的轧钢安全态势评价模型,首先建立轧钢厂安全评价指标体系,然后基于模糊层次分析法得到12项指标的权重大小,借助集对分析理论,进行同、异、反分析,得到该轧钢厂的安全等级为Ⅱ级,最后针对安全评价水平与Ⅱ级安全标准的集对势分析,得到二者存在强烈的同一变化趋势。  
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为深入推进依法自主办学,不断深化现代学校制度改革,今年以来,我市提早谋划,积极探索,找准依法自主办学工作的突破口,采取多项创新举措,深化管办评改革,实现了我市依法自主办学工作新局面。  一、背景与起因  2015年《教育部关于深入推进教育管办评分离促进政府职能转变的若干意见》中指出“推进管办评分离,构建政府、学校、社会之间新型关系,是全面深化教育领域综合改革的重要内容,是全面推进依法治教的必然要求
摘 要:随着主力油藏进一步开发,地下油藏内部油水关系分布更加复杂,迫切需要三维地质建模和油藏数值模拟提供更为有力的技术支持。通过建立精细三维地质模型为数值模拟提供基础数据,用数值模拟确定小层剩余油分布、注入水状况及剩余油丰度分布情况,结合油藏开采动态,针对剩余油的状况进一步对各小层的剩余油进行挖潜改造,使"两个递减"得到较好控制,从而夯实油田稳产基础。  关键词:建模数模 油砂体 剩余油  一、油