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砚的发现始于我国考古工作者在陕西临潼姜寨遗址考察挖掘时、在距今六千年前的西安半坡文化遗址中,意外发现了一块上面盖有石盖的石盘砚,后被称为姜寨“中华第一古砚”。此砚虽只是初型,但已与汉代石砚极其相似,因此从汉代古砚中就能看出原始砚的一些基本功能和特征,可以说早在西汉时期古人已经开始了将砚作为实用器,向着既求实用又可欣赏的艺术化阶段发展。而真正的高峰时期是自从唐代以后,砚的雕刻和形式才步入了一个空前发展的阶段。产于安徽歙州的龙尾石砚,就是在唐代问世。由于砚在质地、制作技艺上的提升,名砚的地位,到这时才得以真正确立。 The discovery of Yan began when Chinese archaeologists investigated and excavated the sites of Jiangzhai in Lintong, Shaanxi Province. During the excavation of Xi’an Banpo Cultural Relics Site six thousand years ago, it was unexpectedly discovered that a stone diskstone covered with stone covers was later called Jiang Zhai “China’s first ancient Yan”. Although this inkstone is only a primordial figure, it has been very similar to the stone scroll in the Han Dynasty. Therefore, some basic functions and features of the original inkstone can be seen from the ancient inkstone in the Han Dynasty. It can be said that the ancients had begun using the inkstone as a practical instrument , Toward both artistic and appreciation stage of development. The real peak period is that since the Tang Dynasty, the sculptures and forms of inkstone entered an unprecedented stage of development. Produced in Anhui Zhuozhou Long tail Shiyan, is the advent of the Tang Dynasty. Due to the texture of Yan, making artistry to enhance the status of famous inkstone, until then to be truly established.
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课堂教学有效性,就是在教学活动中,教师采用各种方式和手段,用最少的时间、最少的精力投入,取得尽可能多的教学效果,实现特定的教学目标,满足社会和个 The effectiveness of
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A novel in-situ route was employed to synthesize LiFePO4/carbon-nanofibers (CNFs) composites. The route combined high-temperature solid phase reaction with chem