建设“平安浙江”是落实科学发展观、实施“八八战略”的题中之义。 2 0 0 3年浙江全省人均GDP已接近 2 4 0 0美元 ,维护社会稳定工作正处在一个关键时期。“平安浙江”建设面临着五类高危人群和交通安全的威胁。对此 ,既要坚持综合治理 ,又要采取重点控制 ,包括借鉴国外社会防卫思想的合理成分 ,采用保安处分。
Building “safe Zhejiang” is the meaning of the implementation of the scientific concept of development and the implementation of the “eighty-eight strategy.” In 2003, per capita GDP in Zhejiang province was close to 2400 U.S. dollars, maintaining social stability is at a critical period. “Peace Zhejiang” construction is facing five types of high-risk groups and traffic safety threats. In this regard, we should not only insist on comprehensive governance but also take priority control, including drawing on the reasonable elements of the foreign social defense ideology and adopting security measures.