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受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,线上学习成为热潮。为提高学生的参与度,一位教师通过嘻哈与他的学生进行了创造性的交流。As millions of educators navigate the new normal of virtual learning and trying to keep students 1.during the coronavirus pandemic,one teacher has tapped into a creative flow with his students through h
Understanding cultural body language in other countries is key to managing efficient communication,especially when we have not yet mastered a foreign language.H
People earn more when they boost their self-confidence.Confidence is a skill that you can improve through body language.Practice smiling Smiling can trick your
在阿拉伯联合酋长国,一个机器人在一场现场表演中指挥着人类音乐家进行演奏。这个名叫Alter 3的机器人有一张类似人类的脸和两条长长的手臂.
Natasha Lock来自英国,是就读于北京大学燕京学堂的研究生。在过去的几年里,她游历中国,慢慢地理解了中国的文化、历史、现实和变化,并被中国独特的魅力深深吸引。
画画一定需要画笔和画布吗?英国艺术家Ian Berry偏偏不走寻常路。他仅靠剪刀、胶水和牛仔布就能营造出层叠效果。他还能通过制造阴影来表现光线的质感,呈现出各种现实生活中
自少年时代起,Dot Anderson就热爱滑雪,她希望自己能滑到90岁。虽然一次意外改变了她的命运,但她的滑雪情结却依然不变。
我们每天都会和邻居见面,所以与邻居的相处是很重要的,这一观点在任何时代都不会过时。An old saying goes that a near neighbor is better than a distant cousin.This say