为方便广大作者及时快捷地获悉审稿结果信息,《语言教学与研究》杂志近期开通“稿件处理结果查询系统(试运行)”。凡向本刊投稿时间两个月以上的文章,作者均可登录以下网页查询审稿结果: http://www.blcu.edu.cn/yys/3_mag_1/3_2_chaxun_gaojianjieguo.asp 您也可以通过以下方式进入查询系统:
In order to facilitate the timely and prompt reading of the reviewers’ results, the Journal of Language Teaching and Research recently launched the “Manuscript Processing Result Inquiry System (Trial Run)”. For articles that have been submitted for more than two months to our publication, the author can log in to the following website for review of the manuscript: http: // www. blcu. edu. cn / yys / 3_mag_1 / 3_2_chaxun_gaojianjieguo. asp You can also enter the query system in the following ways: