100年的风雷激荡,100年的高歌猛进,100年的沧桑风云,100年的璀璨辉煌。当这样一个沉甸甸的一百年活生生地铺展至自己眼前时,我问自己:20世纪留给人们的是美丽、璀璨,还是痛苦和悲怆? 1 20世纪人类从无知走向已知,从落后、蒙昧走向文明与开化。20世纪人类社会从立法走向执法,从无序走向有序。20世纪,电话、手机、商务通的发明;电脑、互联网、伊妹儿的出现;汽车、火车、飞机的制造,使人们获得了更多的资讯、更便捷的服务。于是到了20世纪末,人们走入了信息时代。
100 years of wind and thunderstorms, 100 years of triumph, 100 years of vicissitudes, 100 years of glory. When such a heavy hundred years lived in front of one’s own eyes, I asked myself: Is it beautiful, awkward, or painful and pathetic to the people in the 20th century? 1 In the 20th century, mankind went from ignorance to known, from backwardness and ignorance. To civilization and culture. In the 20th century, human society moved from legislation to law enforcement and from disorder to order. In the 20th century, the inventions of telephones, mobile phones, and business communications; the emergence of computers, the Internet, and e-children; and the manufacture of automobiles, trains, and aircrafts enabled people to obtain more information and more convenient services. At the end of the 20th century, people entered the information age.