春季性结膜炎在临床上较常见,临床以往用激素滴眼并以抗过敏药为主,但其治疗时间长,难以防止复发。本文用安贺拉眼液治疗春季性结膜炎取得明显效果,现作报告。 1 临床资料 1.1 病例选择 选择临床确诊为春季性结膜炎的门诊病人88例106眼作为观察对象,随机分组,所有病例中除14例初发外其余均为复发性,每年春冬季发病或加重,有间断或连续应用激素滴眼史,31例病人同时使用抗组胺类药物。 1.2 治疗方法 88例病人随机分组,观察组46例(62眼),
Spring conjunctivitis is more common in clinical clinics in the past with hormonal eye drops and anti-allergy-based, but its treatment for a long time, it is difficult to prevent recurrence. In this paper, Angela eye drops treatment of conjunctivitis in spring achieved remarkable results, the current report. 1 Clinical data 1.1 Case Selection 88 cases of outpatients clinically diagnosed as spring conjunctivitis as observation object, were randomly divided into groups, all except 14 cases of primary recurrence of the rest are recurrent, onset or aggravate in spring and winter each year, There are intermittent or continuous application of hormonal eye history, 31 patients also use antihistamines. 1.2 Treatment 88 patients were randomly divided into observation group 46 cases (62 eyes)