目的探讨由于受精障碍、异常受精或低受精指征行ICSI术患者的卵母细胞受精情况及胚胎发育情况。方法回顾性分析2009年1月至2010年12月,在本中心由于受精障碍、异常受精或低受精接受ICSI助孕治疗的45对夫妻为研究组,2010年1月-2010年12月由于重度少弱精接受ICSI的137例,为对照组。结果受精障碍、异常受精或低受精组的正常受精率和优质胚胎率明显低于重度少弱精组。结论 ICSI能够改善受精障碍组的受精情况,但是正常受精的数量和胚胎发育潜能比较低。
Objective To investigate the status of oocyte fertilization and embryo development in patients undergoing ICSI with or without fertilization or fertilization. Methods Retrospective analysis from January 2009 to December 2010 in our center 45 pregnant women undergoing ICSI assisted pregnancy due to fertilization disorder, abnormal fertilization or low fertilization were selected as the study group. From January 2010 to December 2010, Weak weak fine ICSI received 137 cases, as the control group. Results The fertilization disorder, abnormal fertilization or low fertilization group of normal fertilization rate and high-quality embryo rate was significantly lower than severe oligoasthenospermia group. Conclusion ICSI can improve fertilization group fertilization, but the number of normal fertilization and embryonic development potential is relatively low.