近年来有关中缝大核(NRM)的研究工作表明:延脑腹侧网状结构各核团(包括NRM)的定位及命名仍有争议。NRM 最重要的传出和传入联系分别是到脊髓的下行纤维和来自中脑导水管周围灰质的纤维投射;参与体内痛调制系统的核团包括NRM 和邻近的诸网状细胞核群;NRM 神经元多数被伤害性刺激所兴奋,从而参与痛调节的负反馈环路;NRM 的5-羟色胺能神经元是否参与吗啡镇痛存在着分歧。作者提出假设:体内可能还存在下行易化通路调制痛觉传递。
In recent years, the study on the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) shows that the localization and naming of each nucleus of ventral reticular network (including NRM) is still controversial. The most important afferent and afferent linkages of NRM are the projection of the descending fibers into the spinal cord and the fibers from the periaqueductal gray, respectively; the nuclei involved in the in vivo pain modulation system include NRM and nearby reticular nuclei; the NRM nerve Most of them are excited by nociceptive stimuli, and thus participate in the negative feedback loop of pain regulation. Whether NRM serotonergic neurons participate in morphine analgesia is different. The authors hypothesize that there may still be down-modulation in the body to modulate pain delivery.