笔者在临床实践中,治疗外感风寒证属于寒热反复出现的病人,使用桂枝麻黄各半汤疗效令人满意,现将心得体会介绍如下。1 典型病例韩××,女,29岁,住齐齐哈尔市龙江县镇内,1982-6-2就诊。问诊:寒热交作,一日之中七八次,并有头痛,腰痛,周身痰楚等证。细间之,发热时不觉寒,恶寒时不觉热,且发热的次数多,恶寒的次数少。就诊时,因正在发热,故测得体温37.8℃。病人自己口服银翘解毒丸,肌注安痛定多支,但患病5天,不断用药,寒热等
The author in clinical practice, the treatment of exogenous cold syndrome is a cold and heat recurring patients, the use of Guizhi ephedra half soup is satisfactory, the experience will be described below. 1 A typical case of Han × ×, female, 29 years old, who lived in the town of Longjiang County, Qiqihar City, visited the hospital in 1982-6-2. Interviews: cold and heat, seven or eight times a day, and headaches, back pain, the whole body Chu Chu and other cards. In between the thin, when the fever does not feel cold, when the chills feel hot, and the number of fever, the number of chills less. At the time of treatment, the temperature of 37.8°C was measured because of fever. The patient himself took Yinqiaojiedu pill orally and given intramuscular injection of analgesia, but he was ill for 5 days and continued medication, cold and heat.