一自上世纪八十年代中期起,粤剧就渐渐走下坡,这是众所周知的事实。究其原因,当然是很复杂的。如剧本问题、演员问题、粤剧的表演形式问题、剧团的体制问题等都是原因。但最主要的原因是社会的发展,带来了各种先进的传媒和载体,人们艺术欣赏的选择趋于多样化了,也更方便了。就是看戏的人也并非要到剧场中去不可,观剧逐渐厅堂化、斗室化、个人化了。这样, 就改变了过去“看大戏”时那种万人攒动、热火朝天的现象,观众与观众之间就少了评论与交流。天长日久,就使得粤剧在人们生活中的被关注度逐渐降低,参与度就更低了。也就是说,
Since the mid-eighties of the last century, Cantonese opera has gradually declined. This is a well-known fact. The reason, of course, is very complicated. Such as the script problem, the actor issue, the performance of Cantonese opera form, the troupe of institutional issues are the reasons. But the most important reason is that the development of society has brought with it all kinds of advanced media and carriers, and people’s choices of artistic appreciation have become more diversified and more convenient. Is the theater of the people do not want to go to the theater to go, the Department of Drama gradually hall, vindictive, personalized. In this way, it changed the past, “watching the drama,” the million people in full swing in full swing, the audience and the audience less comment and exchange. As time passes, the degree of attention paid to Cantonese opera in people’s life is gradually reduced, and participation is even lower. In other words,