1 资料与方法1·1 研究对象 以我院在1997年1月~1998年9月收治的82例小过期流产为研究对象。小过期流产以胚胎死亡2周以上为诊断标准,而且必须符合Lorin等提出的小过期流产的诊断标准,即子宫小于12孕周。本组患者平均年龄25.3岁,平均停经时间13.4周;术前检查三大常规、凝血机制及肝肾功能均正常。随机将病人分为两组:米非司酮治疗组42例,乙烯雌酚治疗组40例,两组间无明显差异,具有可比性。
1 Materials and Methods 1.1 The object of study in our hospital from January 1997 to September 1998 admitted 82 cases of small miscarriage for the study. Small-term abortion with embryo death more than two weeks for the diagnostic criteria, and must meet the Lorin et al proposed diagnosis of small-scale abortion, the uterus is less than 12 gestational weeks. The average age of patients in this group was 25.3 years old, the average menopause time was 13.4 weeks; preoperative examination of the three routine, coagulation mechanisms and liver and kidney function were normal. Patients were randomly divided into two groups: mifepristone treatment group 42 cases, diethylstilbestrol treatment group 40 cases, no significant difference between the two groups, comparable.