罗汉果Momordica grosvenori Swingle是多年生草质攀援植物。药用果实。原产桂林地区永福、临桂等县。1969年起玉林县金山大队引入种植,现有三、四千株,占地10~15亩,每年收果6~10万个左右。其栽培技术经验总结如下: 一、选地要选新垦的黑黄泥土,土质厚,杂草丛生的山坡地(不超过25度)。坡向忌朝西,每
Momordica grosvenori Swingle is a perennial grass climbing plant. Medicinal fruits. Native Yongfu Guilin, Lingui and other counties. Since 1969, Jinshan Brigade in Yulin County has introduced planting and now has 3 or 4 thousand plants covering an area of 10 to 15 mu with an annual output of about 60,000 to 100,000. The cultivation of technical experience are summarized as follows: First, the election to choose the newly reclaimed black and yellow soil, thick soil, overgrown hillsides (not more than 25 degrees). Pointed west, each