由烟台市农技推广中心主持的“小樱桃改接大樱桃高产高效技术开发”课题,经过三年的实施,达到了预期目标,5月份通过了省级同行专家鉴定,鉴定认为该项成果达到了国内领先水平。 烟台市栽培小樱桃历史悠久,面积大。由于小樱桃果实小,质软,不耐贮运,经济效益低,烟台市农技推广中心曾进行“幼龄小樱桃改造技术研究”。1993年省科委下达技术开发课题3年来,改接大樱桃35万株。改接后3年的大樱
After three years’ implementation, the project of “high yield and high efficiency cultivation of small cherry instead of cherry”, chaired by Yantai Agricultural Technology Promotion Center, achieved the expected goal. In May, it passed the appraisal of provincial counterparts, and the appraisal concluded that the achievement reached The leading domestic level. Yantai cultivation of small cherry has a long history, large area. As a result of small cherry fruit, soft, intolerant storage and transportation, low economic efficiency, Yantai Agricultural Technology Promotion Center had “young cherry transformation technology research.” In 1993, the provincial Science and Technology Commission issued a project on technology development for three years, and then switched to 350,000 large cherries. After the switch to 3 years of cherry