【摘 要】
Based on the panel data of 28 provinces in the year of 1987-2001,this paper examines the effects of the local govment investment on economic growth and employme
【机 构】
Institute of Economics,Shandong Academy of Social Science.Jinan 250002,P.R.China
Based on the panel data of 28 provinces in the year of 1987-2001,this paper examines the effects of the local govment investment on economic growth and employment.The empirical result shows that the local govment investment plays a significant positive role in economic growth and emplovment.However,while the proportion of local govment investment to GDP had a remarkable rise after 1998.the elasticity of local govment investment on economic growth declined,which shows that there is a hig room for raising the efficiency of local govment mvestment.Moreover,the empirical examination shows that although local govment investment had positive effect on employment,the elasticity had a decrease after 1994 when the tax-sharing system reform was put into practice.This shows that the positive role of local govment investment on emplovment is also limited.This paper argues that the role of local govments as investors must be weakened,and local govments of different levels should lessen direct economic intervention and concentrate on public regulation.
本文主要采用文献分析(document analysis)和矛盾分析的研究方法,对近年来(2001-2006)中国期刊全文数据库收录的关于粤东区域旅游研究的论文作全面细致的分析,对粤东区域旅游
摘 要:随着社会经济的迅速发展,深化科研所合同管理,不仅能强加科研合同的内部管理,同时还能在现有的基础上降低科研成本,提高科研工作的社会效益及自身的经济效益。在此,本文从以下几个方面出发,对科研所合同管理的强化途径进行分析。 关键词:科研院所;合同管理;强化途径 术合同签订后,技术实际上就以商品的身份进入市场,在进行市场交易时,国家有很多优惠政策方便了技术市场,为技术和科技成果的转化打开了方便
摘 要:近年来,企业内部控制建设问题受到极大关注,国际和国内出台了相应政策,引导企业内部控制建设走向生态环保化。本文主要梳理了内部控制与环境信息披露关系的研究成果,为今后研究二者关系实证研究提供坚实的理论基础。 关键词:内部控制;环境信息披露;企业社会责任 2010年7月,紫金矿业铜酸水渗漏事件应急处置不力,导致环境污染严重,企业损失巨大。突发环境事件难以应对主要原因是企业相应的内部控制缺失,