
来源 :临床误诊误治 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cmdgjb
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赖氏(Reiters)综合征临床表现有尿道炎、关节炎、结膜炎等三联征,临床较少见,误诊率较高,为引起注意,现将我院近几年来资料较完整的11例误诊分析如下:一、临床资料11例中男10例,女1例;年龄12~25岁10例,45岁1例,平均23岁;发病季节7~8月份5例,9~10月份6例;院外误诊3例,门诊误诊5例,入院初误诊3例,最后均诊断为赖氏综合征;入院时三联征同时存在者8例,有关节炎,而尿道炎、结膜炎已消失者3例;痢疾后发病4例,其余均诱因不明。按本组临床特点多数患者依次发生结膜炎、尿道炎、关节炎,也见于病程中伴发皮肤粘膜损害。1.结膜炎:首发症状以结膜炎为主7例,名持续7~20天不等,最短7天,最长180天,半数病人二周内自愈。症状轻者双目羞明、流泪,重者双 Reiters syndrome clinical manifestations of urethritis, arthritis, conjunctivitis and other triad, clinical less common, higher misdiagnosis rate, in order to attract attention, now our hospital in recent years, more complete information on the 11 cases of misdiagnosis The analysis is as follows: First, the clinical data of 11 cases of male and 10 cases, 1 female; aged 12 to 25 years in 10 cases, 45 years old in 1 case, an average of 23 years; onset season in July to August in 5 cases, 9 to October in 6 cases ; 3 cases misdiagnosed outside the hospital, outpatient misdiagnosis in 5 cases, early admission misdiagnosis in 3 cases, and finally were diagnosed as Lai’s syndrome; admitted to triple sign in 8 cases, with arthritis, and urethritis, conjunctivitis has disappeared 3 Cases; dysentery after the onset of 4 cases, the remaining unexplained incentives. According to the clinical features of the majority of patients in turn conjunctivitis, urethritis, arthritis, also found in the course of associated with skin and mucous membrane damage. 1. Conjunctivitis: The first symptom of conjunctivitis mainly in 7 cases, lasting 7 to 20 days, the shortest 7 days, up to 180 days, half of the patients self-healing within two weeks. Symptoms are light eyeshadow, tears, severe double
读了《山东教育》上发表的《千年警世钟》一文,感慨很深,日本学生的探险精神令人钦佩。 再看看我们身边的诸多学校,多少年不开一次运动会,像集体登山、野炊、郊游、参观等有益于
近日 ,经自治区人民政府同意 ,自治区教育厅下发了《宁夏回族自治区教育厅关于改革与完善普通高中毕业会考制度的意见》 ,对此 ,记者就有关问题采访了自治区教育厅会考办负责