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朱熹先生说:“问渠那得清如许?为有源头活水来。”作文的源头活水就是生活,生活是作文的沉淀,是作文的升华,生活就像泉源,文章犹如溪水,只有泉源丰富不枯竭,溪水才会流个不停。作文,其实是人们对生活的一种反映方式,可是,目前有很多学生怕写作文,每次作文就会茫然无措,即使搜肠刮肚,也写不出个所以然,最后只能东扯葫芦西扯瓢,乱凑一篇了事,这样的作文,形式陈旧、内容空洞、情感造作。因此,作为一名语文教师,应该从“生活”入手引导学生积累作文素材,让生活成为作文的源头活水是一项 Mr. Zhu Xi said: “Quotations that clear? For active living water to. ” The origin of the composition Living water is life, life is the composition of the deposition, is the sublimation of composition, life is like a fountain, the article is like a stream, only the fountain Abundant not dry up, the stream will flow non-stop. Composition, in fact, is a way of life for people to reflect, however, there are many students afraid of writing essay, each composition will be at a loss, even if the search to scratch belly, can not write all alone, and finally only to the east and the west Scoop, chaos an incident, this composition, the form of obsolete, content is empty, emotional creation. Therefore, as a language teacher, we should start from “life” to guide students to accumulate material, so that life becomes the source of writing.
不久前,俄联邦安全局前中校、流亡英国6年的利特维年科被人暗中下毒致死,“利特维年科中毒案”发生以后,西方国家主要媒体争先恐后地报道案情进展,曾经和“暗杀”挂钩的俄罗斯情报机构“克格勃”又被人们提起……    机构庞大权力通天    前苏联的克格勃是1917年布尔什维克夺取政权后,为了稳定政局,列宁提议让捷尔任斯基成立的。这个部门曾经使用过许多名称——全俄肃反委员会、国家政治保安局等等,这些变幻莫测