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严歌苓是当代海外华人作家中极具影响力的一员,她的小说创作独具个性,风格多样,以独特的女性视角和写作手法,成功地塑造了一批生活在社会底层的女性形象,创作于2008年的《小姨多鹤》是严歌苓的又一力作,被誉为一部“意蕴丰盛迷人,襟怀爽朗阔气的稀世之作。”对于里面的女性人物形象,刻画的更是丰满,下面我主要解析一下里面给我印象最深,也是最让我喜欢的角色——朱小环的人物特点。 Yan Geling is a very influential member of contemporary overseas Chinese writers. Her novels are unique and diverse in style. She has successfully created a group of female images and creations that are living on the bottom of society with a unique female perspective and writing style In 2008, “Little aunt and multi-crane” is another masterpiece of Yan Geling, hailed as a “rich and charming implication of heart, lavish and lavish lavish.” "For the inside of the female character, portrait is more full, Here I mainly analyze what impressed me the most, but also the role I most like - the character of Zhu Xiaohuan.