Loan risk is the inevitable phenomenon of bank credit asset management. Do everything possible to seek the least risk and maximize the benefits to achieve the safety of credit assets, liquidity and efficiency of the unity of the bank credit assets management and operation of the objective requirements. However, for the current credit assets, the problems of low quality, low benefit, slow turnover and a large proportion of risky loans occupy a serious part. This has seriously hampered the efficiency of the use of bank funds and threatened the safety of bank credit funds. How to effectively control the risk loans at a minimum? To this end, I talk about the views. First, the causes of risk loans From the formation of credit assets in recent years, the formation of risk loans investigation and analysis of the causes of formation, there are many reasons for the formation, both external and internal factors; both objective and subjective factors, summed up , Nothing more than three aspects: business, bank, government. (A) In the area of borrowing enterprises, the main factors that cause loans to be non-repayable are: 1. There is no party in the production and operation of enterprises. 2. The project funding gaps, raw materials due to protection, production is not normal. 3. Market pre-market