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  Comment on Vigliocco, al.(2005) and Review on Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
  Does language shape thought? The question derived from Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis has never been easy to answer with certainty.Nevertheless,the attempts and trials of tackling this question seldom stops.The Vigliocco et al.paper “Grammatical gender effects on cognition: implications for language learning and language use” is one of those researches.Four experiments were conducted to address the mechanisms by which grammatical gender may come to affect meaning.It was concluded that 1) gender effects arise as a generalization from an established association between gender of nouns and sex of human referents,extending to nouns referring to sexuated entities.And 2) these effects during processing arise at a lexical-semantic level rather than at a conceptual level,in other words,grammatical gender only has effects on lexical meaning,but not on nonlinguistic behaviors.
  Research questions
  The researchers tested two hypotheses by which gender effects may arise:
  (1)Gender effects arise as a consequence of similarity in linguistic context (similarity and gender hypothesis).
  (2)Gender effects arise as a generalization from transparent relationship between sex and human referents and gender of nouns (sex and gender hypothesis).
  These two hypotheses were tested by investigating the gender system of two languages: Italian and German.
  A series of 4 experiments investigating Italian and German were presented using tasks sensitive to meaning similarity.Experiment 1 and 2 tested the two hypotheses for Italian speakers.Experiment 3 replicated experiment 1 in German as an additional test of the hypothesis.Experiment 4 used pictures to test the extent of gender effects.
  The 4 experiments were designed to address the strength and pervasiveness of language-specific grammatical gender effects on semantic representations for the corresponding objects.It was found that language-specific effects were highly constrained: limited to a language with a two-gender system (Italian); limited to tasks that require verbalization and they were observed in certain semantic categories (animals) and not others (artifacts) in Italian.
  Comment and Review on Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
  The Vigliocco et al.research found the presence of an effect was only for linguistic tasks,which led them to believe that thinking for speaking only has effects on tasks that engage linguistic coding,at least for grammatical gender.   However,besides the consensus that grammatical gender can affect meaning,some researchers do believe that talking about inanimate objects as if they were masculine or feminine leads people to think of them as masculine or feminine.A possible way that the effects work is that in order to effectively learn the grammatical gender of a noun,people focus on some property of that noun’s referent that may pick it out as masculine or feminine.And even after the grammatical genders of nouns are learned,language may influence thought during thinking for speaking.The need to refer to an object as masculine or feminine may lead people to selectively attend to that object’s masculine or feminine qualities,thus making them more salient (Boroditsky,et al.2003).
  This divergence leads us to revisit the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis here.
  The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (also called Whorfian Hypothesis or the linguistic relativity) states that language influences thoughts.In its strongest form,the hypothesis states that language controls both the thought and perception.Several experiments have shown that this is not necessarily true.The weaker form of the hypothesis,which states that language influences form,has remained unanswered due to its vagueness.Models of cognition developed after Whorf’s day indicate ways in which thought can be influenced by cultural variations in the lexical,syntactical,semantic,and pragmatic aspects of language (Hunt,et al.1991).
  Kay cited Brown’s summary for Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis in one of his publications:
  “Whorf appeared to put forward two hypotheses:
  I Structural differences between language systems will,in general,be paralleled by nonlinguistic cognitive differences,of an unspecified sort,in the native speakers of the two languages.
  II The structure of anyone’s native language strongly influences and fully determines the world-view he will acquire as he learns the language” (Kay
【摘要】建立科学的学生干部评价机制,对提高学生干部的整体素质和能力有非常重要的作用。本文在系统性、层次性、简明性、客观性、可行性原则的指导下构建学生干部评价指标体系,以期增强学生干部培养和管理中的识人用人的科学性,拓展和延伸学生干部的成长空间。  【关键词】学生干部 综合素质 评价体系 职业能力  学生干部作为学生中的骨干分子,在学校教育和管理工作中起着非常重要的作用,是学校各级党团组织和学生管理
幼儿礼仪指幼儿在幼儿园、家庭、社会活动中所必须遵守的一些简单的行为规范。帮助幼儿了解礼仪知识、学习礼仪言行、增长礼仪经验,通过多种形式让幼儿与礼仪亲密接触,是帮助他们建立礼仪习惯的有效手段。从小教孩子礼仪,孩子就能在人际交往中从从容容,建立正确的自我形象,免去很多压力。透过礼仪习惯,孩子会获得一个真实广阔的世界,学会表达自己,建立深层次的人际关系。  一、什么是幼儿礼仪  幼儿礼仪指幼儿在幼儿园、
【摘要】本文基于自主学习理论基础,对高职院校的英语教学现状进行了分析,并提出了培养学生英语自主学习能力的具体建议,以期能够为高职英语教学水平的提升有所帮助。  【关键词】高职院校 英语教学 自主学习能力 培养  亨利·柏格森教授在其《自主性与外语学习》一书中阐述道:“从学习者的角度来看,自主学习就是学习主体能够决定学习内容,选择学习方法,对自己的学习负责。”该著作是柏格森教授研究自主学习理论的发起