湖南省芷江侗族自治县新店坪镇,1996年实行乡镇干部招标包村工作法,变分配安排包村模式为招标投标包村模式,从行政管理办法走向经济管理办法。进一步量化下部德、能、勤、绩考核工作,调动了乡镇干部工作主动性,密切了党群干群关系。 一、招标包村责任制基本做法
Xindianping Town, Zhijiang Dong Autonomous County, Hunan Province. In 1996, township cadres were invited to bid for the package village work method. Variation and allocation of the package village model was the mode of bidding and bidding for the package village, and from the administrative management approach to the economic management measures. Further quantify the work on ethics, energy, diligence and performance in the lower part of the country, arouse the initiative of the cadres at township level, and closely monitor the relationship between the party and the masses. First, the basic principle of bidding package village responsibility system