H9020175 is a New Wheat (T. huashanica) translocation line bred by crossing and backcross. Inoculation identification showed that it has excellent resistance to stripe rust. Genetic analysis proves that the stripe rust resistance of the translocation line H9020175 is a dominant gene controlled by a single gene. The resistance gene is derived from P. huashanica and tentatively named as YrHua. In order to mark this stripe rust resistance gene from P. huashanica, F2 segregation population was established by crossing H9020175 with susceptible wheat cultivar Mingxian169. Application of AFLP primer pair analysis of 119 F1 F2 progeny identified by the CY30 inoculation showed that two AFLP markers PM14 (301) and PM42 (249) linked to the YrHua gene were obtained. The genetic distances were 5.4cM and 2.7cM, respectively, located on each side of the target gene. The marker fragment was cloned and sequenced. According to the sequence information and the restriction site polymorphism, AFLP marker PM14 (301) was transformed into a simple PCR marker. The results provided a molecular selection tool for marker-assisted breeding and laid the foundation for further fine mapping and mapping of YrHua gene.