一、概述 随着现代科学技术的迅速发展,科技文献资料急剧增涨。在进行科研或生产时,科技人员需要查阅大量的文献资料,从中了解技术现状、水平,和吸取别人的经验,以确定研究方向和改进生产技术。同样,现代的科研和生产管理人员也需要及时了解和掌握本行业最新的科技动态、成果,以供管理决策时参考。在进行情报调研和文献数据收集时,要占用科技人员大量的时间,传统的手工检索方式已逐渐不能适应文献量的迅速增涨。因此,如何有效地加强信息传递,已成为情报工作的当务之急。
I. Overview With the rapid development of modern science and technology, the literature of scientific and technological literature has dramatically risen. When carrying out scientific research or production, scientists and technicians need to consult a large amount of literature and information to understand the current situation and level of technology and learn from others’ experience to determine the research direction and improve the production technology. Similarly, modern scientific research and production managers also need to keep abreast of the latest scientific and technological developments and achievements in the industry for reference when making management decisions. When conducting information research and document data collection, it takes a lot of time for scientific and technical personnel. The traditional manual retrieval method has gradually failed to adapt to the rapid increase of literature volume. Therefore, how to effectively enhance the information transfer has become a top priority for intelligence work.