At present, many cities in our country have built a large number of high-rise buildings and residential quarters and all have basements in their designs. From the consideration of peacetime and warfare, these basements are usually used as high and low voltage power distribution room, pump room, pool, refrigerator room and other equipment rooms and underground steam room, while the second-tier wartime shelters for the civilians of five to six civil air defense projects use. In the design of ventilation and smoke exhaust systems in the basement of a high-rise building, since the exhaust volume is much larger than the exhaust air volume and the exhaust air is required to discharge 2/3 of the required air volume from the lower section and 1/3 of the air volume from the upper section, Exhaust system merger. If ventilation and exhaust airflow organization can be unified, the ventilation and exhaust system can be one, it will greatly simplify the basement ventilation and exhaust system design, construction and operation management.