蜚声海内外的学者钱钟书对翻译标准提出过十分精辟的见解。由于钱老长期专心致志地从事比较文学的研究,未能有浩瀚的译著行世,但他偶一涉笔,便千姿百态,五彩缤纷,令人兴叹不已。他在《管锥编》(包括《管锥编增订》)中所译的英、德、法诸种文字的片言只语便是极好的佐证。现从中采摘英语片言二十例,按其翻译特色列举并析评如下:情貌兼似意切形存1.making small thing appear great andgreat thing small.(古希腊辩士语)小物说似大,大物说似小。
Renowned scholars both at home and abroad have put forward very insightful opinions on translation standards. Because Qian Lao devoted himself to the study of comparative literature for a long period of time, he failed to find a vast translation into the world of work. However, he was even more offended by colorful gestures. His slogan of English, German and French translated in “Pipe Cone” (including “Cone Bonding”) is an excellent testimony. Now pick from the English slogan 20 cases, according to their translation characteristics cited and analyzed as follows: the appearance of both emotions and similar things. (Ancient Greek dialect) Small things that like big, big things It seems small.