胃良性淋巴组织增殖又称作胃假性淋巴瘤或胃淋巴网状组织反应性增生,目前命名尚不统一。该病罕见,本校于1982年4月经病理检查确诊胃良性淋巴组织增殖一例,报道如下: 患者42岁男性,汉族工人,住院号5714,79年10月因上腹痛5月余恶心吐,消瘦,柏油样便入盟医院,体检:T36.5℃,P62次/分,BP120/80,头颈五官及表浅淋巴结未见到异常,心肺正常,上腹剑突下压痛(+),无反跳痛,肝脾未触及,化验血、尿、便常规,肝功,血清钠、钾、氯及NPN、CO_2CP等均正常,血型A。胃肠钡餐造影:食道正
Gastric benign lymphoid tissue proliferation, also known as gastric pseudo lymphoma or gastric lymphoid reticular reactive hyperplasia, the current name is not uniform. The disease is rare. Our hospital had a diagnosis of benign lymphoid tissue hyperplasia in April 1982. It was reported as follows: The patient was a 42-year-old man, Han worker, hospital number 5714, and October of 79 due to epigastric pain more than 5 months of nausea and weight loss. Asphalt into the Union Hospital, physical examination: T36.5 °C, P62 beats / min, BP120/80, head and neck facial features and no superficial lymph node abnormalities, normal heart and lung, epigastric xiphoid tenderness (+), no rebound Pain, liver and spleen did not touch, blood, urine, stool routine, liver function, serum sodium, potassium, chloride, and NPN, CO_2CP were normal, blood group A. Gastrointestinal Barium Meal Imaging: Positive esophagus