【摘 要】
1999 is an extraordinary year in human history. In this year, not only must mankind say goodbye to a century but also say goodbye to a millennium. In this year, the world’s science and technology have been widely reported. In our country, the first test ship of the manned space project was successfully flown. In the meantime, not only the code of chromosome 22 in human beings has been deciphered, but the speed of light has been reduced to 17 m / s. This article reviews one of the top ten technological advances in 1999: U.S. and Russian scientists found overweight elements.
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MNADES1 Ces femmes, suivantes de Dionysos1 et adeptes de son culte, étaient, disait-on, possédées par2 l’esprit du dieu et atteintes d’une sorte de folie
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INTRODUCTION The importance of metalloporphyrins iswell recognized. Metalloporphyrin complexes have beenextensively studied in m any functional chem istry fie
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