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由于刑事案件数量一直居高不下,而司法资源相对不足,导致了案件的积压。为了解决这一问题,提高诉讼效率,加快案件的审理速度,2003年3月14日,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、司法部联合颁布了《关于适用普通程序审理“被告人认罪案件”的若干意见(试行)》和《关于适用简易程序审理公诉案件的若干意见》。由此,普通程序简易审成为最高人民检察院公诉改革方案中的一项内容,全国各地展开了对刑事案件普通程序简易审的探索与试验。在普通程序简易审实施以来,人们对其评价褒贬不一。笔者认为普通程序简易审缺乏正当的理论基础,并且在实践中并不能收到预期的公正与效率相平衡的效果。因此,要想在正当法律程序前提下提高刑事诉讼的效率应当从其他角度找突破口,如完善简易程序,引进辩诉交易制度等,而不应生硬地简化庭审程序。 The high number of criminal cases and the relative lack of judicial resources have resulted in a backlog of cases. On March 14, 2003, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the Ministry of Justice jointly promulgated the “Probation of Adoption for Trial of Ordinary Proceedings ” Defendant on March 14, 2003, in order to solve this problem, improve the efficiency of litigation and speed up the hearing of cases. (Provisional) “and” Several Opinions on the Trial of Public Prosecution Cases in Accordance with the Summary Procedure ". As a result, the simplified procedure of common procedure is one of the contents of the prosecutorial reform plan of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, and various localities have conducted exploration and experiments on the simplified procedure of the ordinary procedure of criminal cases throughout the country. Since the implementation of the simple procedure of ordinary procedures, people have mixed opinions. The author believes that the simple procedure of ordinary procedures lacks a proper theoretical basis and does not receive the expected balance of the effects of fairness and efficiency in practice. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of criminal procedure on the premise of proper legal procedure, we should find breakthroughs from other angles, such as simplifying the summary procedure and introducing the system of plea bargaining instead of abruptly simplifying the trial procedure.
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作为我国首位亲赴南极科考的极地动物展示场馆的动物专家,从南极归来的大连老虎滩海洋动物保护研究所所长兼老虎滩海洋公园、老虎滩极地馆总经理赵文敬接受记者采访时称,“在南极最震撼的一幕是看到‘漫山遍野’的企鹅,它们对人类非常友好”。  赵文敬说,南极的工作、生活条件非常艰苦,首先是遇到极昼问题。去的时候南极是夏季,即使他们到达的是南极的外陆地区,依然受到极昼现象的困扰。“白天时间长达20个小时,而且当地
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看山看水任逍遥,听风听雨心自在。  露入芭蕉点点花,叶落莲池翩翩影。
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