今年美国焊接协会主办的2005焊接展览会,于4月26日-28日在达拉斯会议中心举办。这届展会是美国焊接协会单独主办的最后一届焊接展会, 从而结束了长达53年传统的由美国焊接协会独立运作的模式。从今年11月起将与FABTECH国际性组织联合举办且将于每年秋季举办。今年11月13日 -16日在芝加哥举办。
This year, the 2005 Welding Exhibition sponsored by the American Welding Association was held at the Dallas Convention Center from April 26th to 28th. This exhibition is the last welding exhibition sponsored by the American Welding Association. This concludes the 53-year tradition of independent operation by the American Welding Association. It will be held jointly with FABTECH International from November this year and will be held every autumn. It will be held in Chicago from November 13th to 16th this year.