根据中国70年代(1973~1975年)和90年代(1990~1992年)两次全国性死亡调查资料,对鼻咽癌死亡变化情况及发展趋势进行比较分析,为有关部门制定防治规划提供科学依据。 1 材料与方法 1.1 资料来源 比较分析的原始资料,来源于全国肿瘤防治研究办公室承担并完成的1973~1975年全国(台湾省
Based on the data of two national death surveys in China in the 1970s (1973 ~ 1975) and 1990s (from 1990 to 1992), the author made a comparative analysis of the changes in mortality and the development trend of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in order to provide a scientific basis for the relevant departments to make prevention and control plans . 1 Materials and methods 1.1 The comparative analysis of the source of raw data, from the National Cancer Research Office bear and complete the 1973 ~ 1975 National (Taiwan Province