通过“3414”回归最优设计原理设置的油菜肥效试验结果,获得肥料效应函数方程,由此数学模型得出理论氮磷钾最佳施肥量,其中N 225 kg/hm2,P2O5135kg/hm2,K2O产75kg/hm2和最佳产量2100kg/hm2。综合分析不同推荐施肥方法的推荐施肥量,结合当地农业生产实际,氮磷钾建议推荐量分别为120kg/hm2、120kg/hm2、75kg/hm2。
Based on the results of “3414” regression rape fertilization experiment set by the optimal design principle, the fertilizer effect function equation was obtained, and the mathematical model obtained the optimal NPK fertilization rate, of which N 225 kg / hm2, P2O5135kg / hm2, K2O 75kg / hm2 and the best yield 2100kg / hm2. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the recommended fertilization rates of different recommended fertilization methods, the suggested recommended NPK rates are 120kg / hm2, 120kg / hm2 and 75kg / hm2, respectively, according to the actual situation of local agricultural production.