呼吸内科教学是内科教学系统中的重点和难点。在教学过程中,应注意加强医德医风教育和医患沟通能力的培养,增强学生的自主学习能力。同时,在临床带教中重视学生的临床思维培养,充分利用多媒体及影像学等多种教学模式,使抽象的理论知识直观化、生动化、具体化,便于学生的理解、记忆乃至灵活应用。另外,在课堂中灵活应用教学方法提高课堂教学效率,注重多学科的交叉结合教学,这些教学方法对呼吸内科教学起到事半功倍的作用,也为医学生将来从事临床工作打下良好的学习基础。“,”Respiratory medicine teaching is the emphasis and dif iculty in the medical education.In the process of teaching, teachers should pay at ention to the medical ethics training and communication capabilities,and enhance students' independent learning ability. In addition, emphasis on clinical thinking and use a variety of teaching modes to make theoretical knowledge to be interpreted easily, such as multimedia and imaging. Moreover, improve the ef iciency of classroom teaching and combine the multidisciplinary teaching, then,the above mentioned teaching Methods are helpful to the respiratory medicine teaching and studying.