据近年来在内蒙古自治区西部调查,为害甜菜的象(虫甲)共有十余种,其中以普通甜菜象(虫甲)(Bo-thynoders punctiventris Germ.)最为重要,占象(虫甲)总虫量的50.66—64.18%,分布在内蒙西部的乌兰察布盟、巴彦淖尔盟、伊克昭盟的甜菜栽培区。历年来造成缺苗断垅的情况很严重,往往经过补种、重种亦不能全苗,影响生产。生活史及习性一、全年发生概况普通甜菜象(虫甲)每年发生一代,主要以成虫越冬。
According to the investigation in the west of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in recent years, there are more than ten species of beetles (Beetles), of which the most common is the common beetle (Bo-thynoders punctiventris Germ.), The amount of 50.66-64.18%, located in western Inner Mongolia Ulan Qab League, Bayannur League, Iq Zhao League beet cultivation area. Over the years caused by lack of seedlings break the situation is very serious, often after replanting, heavy seedlings can not be full, affecting production. Life history and habits First, the annual occurrence profile Ordinary beet (insects) occur a generation each year, mainly adult wintering.