据明清两代的一些地方志,野史及杂记的记载,在明末清初的一二百年间,在我国东部地区曾有所谓“黑眚”的频繁出现。由于当时科学技术不发达,人们对这种现象迷惑不解,视之为妖魔鬼怪而十分恐慌。据笔者初步统计,曾出现过“黑眚”的地方不下十处,涉及“黑眚”的记载至少有十五条。例如: “成化十二年(公元1476年)七月庚戌,京师黑眚见,民间男女露宿,有物金睛修尾,状如大狸,负黑气入牖,直抵密室,至则人昏迷,遍城惊扰,操刃张灯,鸣金鼓逐之,不可得。”(《明史·五行志》,《明
According to records of some local chronicle, unofficial history and miscellaneous notes of the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were frequent occurrences of so-called “black tiger” in the eastern part of our country during the period between the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Because of the underdevelopment of science and technology at that time, people were puzzled by this phenomenon and considered it as a monster and a very panic. According to the author’s preliminary statistics, there have been no less than 10 places where there are at least 15 records related to “black flies.” For example: “Chenghua twelve years (AD 1476) July Geng Xu, the capital black see, private men and women sleep, there are things Tailu tail, like a big raccoon, negative black gas into the 密, straight to the chamber, to People are unconscious, all over the city disturbing, funeral, Ming Jin Drum by, not available. ”(“ History of the Ming and Five Elements, ”" Ming