据Geeky Gadgets网站报道,一段时间以来,一直有传言称多家公司在开发可折叠智能手机,明年可能会有2款可折叠智能手机上市销售。据悉,三星和LG均在开发可折叠智能手机,两家公司似乎计划明年发布这类新产品。Geeky Gadgets称,最近有媒体报道称,三星和LG可折叠智能手机的开发已进入收官阶段。两家公司的新产品将配置OLED显示屏,这使得手机屏幕能够折叠。
According to the Geeky Gadgets website, there have been rumors that several companies are developing foldable smartphones for some time and there may be 2 foldable smartphones available for sale next year. It is reported that Samsung and LG are developing collapsible smart phones, the two companies seem to plan to release such new products next year. According to Geeky Gadgets, media reports recently said that the development of Samsung and LG collapsible smartphones has come to an end. The new products from both companies will be equipped with an OLED display, which allows the phone screen to be folded.