Deconstructing athletes’sleep: A systematic review of the influence of age, sex, athletic expertise,

来源 :运动与健康科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luckycpw
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Purpose: This systematic review aimed to describe objective sleep parameters for athletes under different conditions and address potential sleep issues in this specific population. Methods: PubMed and Scopus were searched from inception to April 2019. Included studies measured sleep only via objective evaluation tools such as polysomnography or actigraphy. The modified version of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was used for the quality assessment of the studies. Results: Eighty-one studies were included, of which 56 were classified as medium quality, 5 studies as low quality, and 20 studies as high quality. A total of 1830 athletes were monitored over 18,958 nights. Average values for sleep-related parameters were calculated for all athletes accord-ing to sex, age, athletic expertise level, training season, and type of sport. Athletes slept on average 7.2 ± 1.1 h/night (mean ± SD), with 86.3% ± 6.8% sleep efficiency (SE). In all datasets, the athletes’mean total sleep time was<8 h. SE was low for young athletes (80.3% ± 8.8%). Reduced SE was attributed to high wake after sleep onset rather than sleep onset latency. During heavy training periods, sleep duration and SE were on average 36 min and 0.8% less compared to pre-season and 42 min and 3.0% less compared to in-season training periods, respectively. Conclusion: Athletes’sleep duration was found to be short with low SE, in comparison to the general consensus for non-athlete healthy adults. Notable sleep issues were revealed in young athletes. Sleep quality and architecture tend to change across different training periods.
辽沈地区的军旅作家与地方作家及文学期刊的编辑关系不错,彼此见面、交流往来频频,名副其实的“军民鱼水情”。著名的王中才曾任沈陽军区政治部创作室主任,他的手下兵强马壮,人才济济,随意请出一位,都有全国叫得响的作品。只是汇入北方战区之后,军界文职人员走向何方,创作室专业作家以哪种方式存在?退休之后,八面来风偏少,倒真的无从知晓了。看来,最堪回首的还是往事。  开会、聚会、相会,大都人不少,晚辈的我见到王
Dear editor,rnWe thank Lopes et al.1 for their interest in our study and for writing an insightful commentary based on our findings, which were recently publish
喂鹊  早晨,只要父亲推门出去  老柳树上的喜鹊就会对他  叫上一阵子  它们认识这个常往树下  撒谷米的人  父亲敬畏喜鹊,他说喜鹊叫  就有喜  喜鹊在,咱的日子才太平  喜鹊飞走了,巢空了  是赶上了荒年  这种报喜鸟择福地搭窝  夜里怀乡,透过一种祥光  我总能望见门前那棵老柳树  和树上那三个鹊巢  暮色中,父亲的烟锅在树下  忽明忽暗  要是他一直坐在那里  望渐暗的天空  迟迟不肯撒
1  草木葱茏 春  安心吗 万物  被复苏的快乐蒙蔽  忘记了 上一秒  干涸与枯竭的内心  与誓言了吗?  2  哇哇啼哭 生命  神性的降生  美妙的乐章 在下一秒  将是永恒的追寻  与囚禁  3  动物 忠诚者  帖服你的世界  等于永恒的彩虹间  一颗雨珠  动物 冷血者  吞噬你的世界  等于亘古的忧郁中  一片黑暗  4  留下吧 童真  随意摈弃 拉扯  随意将约束践踏  没有虚
Background:Physical activity is favorable for health,and vigorous sports activity is particularly beneficial.This study investigates the association between changes in sports participation patterns over time and cardio-metabolic and self-perceived health