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前年去无锡,在风景秀丽的老区鸿声镇鸿山,拜渴了号称“江南第一古墓”的泰伯墓,才知道江南的文化是从陕西传过来的。开化江南文化的始祖,就是公元前12世纪周太王的长子泰伯。泰伯抛弃权贵,三让王位,和弟弟仲雍从陕西来到“荆蛮之地”的江南,筑泰伯城,建勾吴国,创吴文化,教百姓务桑农,江南社会从此才从原始走向文明。于是,泰伯墓成为极具文化内涵的旅游胜地。可惜,也许宣传力度不够,到此旅游的人并不算太多。今年春,闻丹阳老区延陵九里有泰伯20世孙季子庙,欣然去访。这个距今已有两千多年的吴文化古迹,令人遐想联翩,怀古幽情不绝如缕。 Two years ago to Wuxi, Hongshengzhen in the scenic old town of Hon Hong, worship thirsty known as “the first ancient tomb in Jiangnan” Taeba tomb, just know that the culture of Jiangnan came from Shaanxi. Kaihua Jiangnan ancestor of culture, that is, the 12th century BC, the eldest of Taishou Taibo. Taliban abandoned the elite, the three let the throne, and his younger brother Zhong Yong came to the southern part of the “Jing Man Land” in Shaanxi Province to build Talib City. Since then, from the original to civilization. As a result, Tomb Tomb has become a very cultural connotation of tourist destination. Unfortunately, perhaps not enough propaganda, this travel is not too much. This spring, Wenling Danyang Oldtown Yanling Jiuli has Tabor Twentieth Sun Temple, is pleased to visit. This dating back more than 2000 years of Wu culture monuments, it reverie Lian Pina, endless nostalgia of ancient nostalgia.