最近,在许多公安机关对外办公的窗口上都写有八个大字;为政清廉,为警清廉。公安机关的廉政建设搞得怎么样?日前,公安部副部长胡之光就此回答了记者的提问。 对腐败现象要有正确的分析 “对公安队伍的廉政状况应如何估计?目前存在两种截然不同的看法,一种是把公安队伍存在的问题看得过重,另一种是对干警中存在腐败现象的严重性认识不足,认为没有什么了不起。这两种认识都是不正确的。”胡副部长说,绝大多数公安干警是廉洁的,这一点应予充分肯定。这些年来,公安部一手抓业务工作,一手抓队伍建设,坚持“从严治警”,从1985年
Recently, there are eight Chinese characters written on the window of public offices in many public security organs; Recently, the Ministry of Public Security Vice Minister Hu Zhiguang answered reporters’ questions. There should be a correct analysis of the phenomenon of corruption “How to estimate the clean government situation of the public security forces? There are two completely different views: one is to overreact to the problems existing in the public security forces and the other is to police officers The understanding of the seriousness of the corruption is not enough and neither of them is wrong. ”Vice Minister Hu said that most police officers and clerks are clean and honest, which should be fully affirmed. In recent years, the Ministry of Public Security has been working on one hand and team building on the other hand, insisting on “strict control of the police” from 1985