Telbivudine vs tenofovir in hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B patients: OPTIMA road

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong591
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AIM To make efficacy and safety comparison of telbivudineraodmap and tenofovir-roadmap in hepatitis B e antigen(HBe Ag)-negative chronic hepatitis B(CHB) patients.METHODS This was the first prospective, randomised, two-arm, open-label, non-inferiority study in HBe Ag-negative CHB patients that compared telbivudine and tenofovir administered as per roadmap concept. Patients were treated up to 24 wk and, depending on virologic response, continued the same therapy or received addon therapy up to 104 wk. Eligible patients received an additional 52 wk of treatment in the extension period(i.e., up to 156 wk). Patients who developed virologic breakthrough(VB) while on monotherapy also received add-on therapy. The primary efficacy endpoint was the rate of patients achieving hepatitis B virus(HBV) DNA < 300 copies/m L at week 52. Secondary efficacy endpoints included the rates of HBV DNA < 300 and < 169 copies/m L, HBV DNA change from baseline, alanine aminotransferase normalisation, hepatitis B surface antigen(HBs Ag) loss, HBs Ag seroconversion, VB, and emergence of resistance at various timepoints throughout the study. Safety and estimated glomerular filtration rate(e GFR) were also analysed.RESULTS A total of 241 patients were randomised. Non-inferiority of telbivudine arm to tenofovir arm was demonstrated at week 52(± 7 d window), with over 91% of patients in each treatment arm achieving HBV DNA level < 300 copies/m L. Both arms were similar in terms of key secondary efficacy variables at weeks 104 and 156. The percentage of patients achieving HBV DNA < 300 copies/m L remained high and was similar in the telbivudine and tenofovir arms at both weeks 104 and 156. Over 82% of patients in both arms achieved alanine aminotransferase normalisation at week 52, and this percentage remained high at weeks 104 and 156. Telbivudine treatment progressively reduced serum HBs Ag levels from baseline while no change was reported in quantitative HBs Ag during therapy with tenofovir. Both treaments showed acceptable safety profiles. The telbivudine arm showed e GFR improvement unlike the tenofovir arm.CONCLUSION Efficacy was shown for both telbivudine-roadmap and tenofovir-roadmap regimens in HBe Ag-negative CHB patients over 156 wk. Telbivudine arm was associated with renal improvement. AIM To make efficacy and safety comparison of telbivudineraodmap and tenofovir-roadmap in hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) -negative chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients. METHODS This was the first prospective, randomized, two-arm, open-label, non -inferiority study in HBe Ag-negative CHB patients that prepared telbivudine and tenofovir administered as per roadmap concept. Patients were treated up to 24 wk and, depending on virologic response, continued the same therapy or received addon therapy up to 104 wk. Eligible patients received an additional 52 wk of treatment in the extension period (ie, up to 156 wk.) Patients who developed virologic breakthrough (VB) while on monotherapy also received add-on therapy. The primary efficacy endpoint was the rate of patients achieving hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA <300 copies / m L at week 52. Secondary efficacy endpoints included the rates of HBV DNA <300 and <169 copies / m L, HBV DNA change from baseline, alanine aminotransferase normalization, hepatitis Safety and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) were also analyzed.RESULTS A total of 241 patients were randomized. Non -inferiority of telbivudine arm to tenofovir arm was demonstrated at week 52 (± 7 d window), with over 91% of patients in each treatment arm achieving HBV DNA level <300 copies / m L. Both arms were similar in terms of key secondary efficacy variables at weeks 104 and 156. The percentage of patients as HBV DNA <300 copies / m L remained high and was similar in the telbivudine and tenofovir arms at both weeks 104 and 156. Over 82% of patients in both arms achieved alanine aminotransferase normalisation at week 52, and this percentage remained high at weeks 104 and 156. Telbivudine treatment progressively reduced serum HBs Ag levels from baseline while no change was reported in quantitative HBs Ag during therapy with tenofovir. Bo ths treaments showed acceptable safety profiles. The telbivudine arm showed eGFR improvement unlike the tenofovir arm. CONCLUSION Efficacy was shown for both telbivudine-roadmap and tenofovir-roadmap regimens in HBe Ag-negative CHB patients over 156 weeks. Telbivudine arm was associated with renal improvement.
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摘要:本论文以学习策略和自主学习理论为基础,主要讨论了学习策略与自主学习能力之间的相互关系,总结出了学习策略培训模式,以便促进学生们的自主学习能力。本文章以从第二外语-俄语听力教学入手,提出提高听力的相应有效教学策略,激发学生兴趣,以加强学生学习质量,进而提高教师的教学质量和学生的学习质量。  关键词:自主学习;学习策略;第二外语;听力教学一、问题的提出  目前,我校第二外语-俄语听力教学中有许多
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摘要:青春期是人生的重要阶段,是童年到成年的过渡时期。人的生理心理都会发生急剧变化,尤其是心理变化,脱离了幼稚,但还很不成熟,渴望独立,强调自我,与成人特别是父母的观念和要求冲突很多,是正常和必然的表现,却往往被成人视为“叛逆”。用“叛逆”一词表述人的这一重要时期,似有不妥。  关键词:青春期;叛逆;心理学家;词语  “叛逆”,新编现代汉语词典解释为:1、背叛。2、有背叛道义或信仰等行为的人[1]