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日本神户钢铁公司为了解决因工作辊表面粗糙造成的麻点缺陷而影响产品表面质量的问题,研制成功在线用摄像机摄像,观察轧制中轧辊表面状态的装置,即轧辊监视器。该公司将轧辊监视器设置在热带精轧机的F2机架内,利用CCD摄像机可沿轧辊长度方向任意位置拍摄轧制中轧辊表 In order to solve the problem that the surface quality of the product is affected by the pitting defects caused by the rough surface of the work roll, KOBE developed a device for on-line video camera and observing the surface condition of the roll during rolling, namely the roll monitor. The company set the roll monitor in the F2 stand of the tropical finishing mill and used the CCD camera to take a rolling roll table at any position along the length of the roll