该文报道了利用球磨工艺获得超细二硫化钼粉末的方法.通过改变球磨的介质、球料比和其它一些球磨工艺条件,制取了平均费氏粒径值达0.54μm的二硫化钼粉末.利用四球摩擦磨损试验机考察了二硫化钼的粒度大小和添加量对润滑脂摩擦学特性的影响.“,”A fined molybdenum disulfide powder with a fisher subsieve size of 0.54μm was prepared by ball milling in this study. It was discussed that the effects of ball milling conditions on the size of the molybdenum disulfide powder. The morphology of the fine MoS2 powder was observed with the help of SEM, and the tribological performance of grease with the fined molybdenum disulfide powder was studied by Four - Ball test as well.